Naruto (ongoing)

This show always gives me mixed feelings when i think about it, first I feel very nice. I loved how this show started with the introduction of the characters and when they go on a mission to the land of waves. Then I feel boredom when it went on and on with the chuunin exams, like there was no end. It was not bad at all to see all the story development, but i found that the matches between the genins had... *how shall I put it*... nice fighting, but little meaning. After that, I feel like tehre is something big in motion in the show. There is very nice development and some unexpected turns of events (which I like). spoiler: Like when Sasuke leaves! And then the endless fillers begin and the show lost it's excitement. Lots of people complain about this last part of the naruto show, and I can't blame them. Although some fillers where nice/funny to watch, the original feeling of the anime and the chills down my spine during Naruto's fight in the country of Mist that got me hooked on were gone. So just watch the parts of this show that you like, you could look them up if you want spoiler: naruto arcs

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