Shinigami no Ballad

This show wants to become very emotional, but it's depts couldn't grasp me. It's like they tried to force too much dept in only twenty minutes. Like there should be a lot of development, but we just speed it up to fit in the episode. No, it didn't work for me. Not that it was totally boring, it was nicely drawn and the stories had some originality. I just couldn't identify with the characters, I wanna be part of show and feel like I'm there
(not that's it's really possible, but I do want to). Not just watch a nice story. But hej, you could be touched by it, so it's ok to try if you like the genre.

Momo is a shinigami (god of death) who has the job to take people's souls when they die. But despite of what you would expect from someone who works in this kind of branch, she is still sad when people die. And she always tries to help the people who are left behind. The six episodes contain separate stories, with just a few links between them.

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