
Well, this is my lil' blog going online. I'm not originally English, so please bear with all my terrible language mistakes (and I really wonder how many i made in this first sentence).
I think I can say that I've seen quite a lot of anime series, and I intent to see more and more ^_^. But since I can't tell you about series I haven't seen I'm going to tell about what I already have seen and what I am currently viewing.
When I post I will try to warn you about spoilers (a spoiler is a fact of clue about a story that you don't want to know if you haven't seen or read or heard it yet). So if i reveal something important without warning please notify me about it.
One more thing: If you really want to watch something, but you don't know where to get it, just pm me ;).

Oh and thank you for reading and enjoy

1 comment:

Monkey said...

It's a comment, woot!